Wind energy
Wind energy is an energy source that depends on wind. The sun heats the Earth unevenly, creating areas of different temperatures and atmospheric pressure throughout the planet. From these differences in pressure derive the movements of the air, called wind. The term wind energy refers, therefore, to the transformation of the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical energy, through the exploitation of this energy by aerodynamic blades.
It is undoubtedly one of the most consumed renewable energies in the world: inexhaustible and efficient, with a high yield, available to people in a natural way, it is increasingly advancing in almost all countries of the world. Wind energy is renewable energy that does not require any fuel, does not create greenhouse gases, does not produce toxic or radioactive waste. By combating climate change, it contributes in the long term to maintaining the biodiversity of natural environments.

The main advantages of wind energy can be summarised as follows:
• It is 100% natural, but also sustainable and renewable: since it is produced by wind, it eliminates the risks associated with electricity shortages, unlike conventional fuel-based energies;
• It respects nature and saves from environmental pollution: it has no harmful effects on air quality, does not pollute water (no discharge into the aquatic environment), does not pollute the soil (no soot or ash);
• It saves money as it does not require the use of fuel;
• It reduces energy consumption in winter, when the wind blows heavily.
What are the main advantages of wind power?

An inexhaustible, efficient and high-yield energy source. Unlike non-renewable sources, such as oil, coal and gas, a wind farm does not need any fuel to operate it, and, therefore, does not release any greenhouse emissions, and does not produce any ordinary, toxic or radioactive waste, substances or pollutants.

The technology used in wind farms, essential for building a carbon-free future, is mature, reliable and safe.

Turbine operating and maintenance costs are relatively low.

A wind farm is totally reversible in terms of land use, meaning that the land occupied by turbines can be fully restored to pre-existing conditions.
A wind turbine is the synthesis of advanced engineering processes and technologies. There are various models, with different sizes and powers.

This is the most evident and fascinating part of the turbine, the one that captures the movement of the air. It generally consists of three blades made of fiberglass. The larger it is, the greater the amount of kinetic energy that is converted. Dimensions can vary from 80 meters up to 160 meters in diameter.

There are two different types of generators: asynchronous and synchronous. All the generators used in our medium voltage systems are of the synchronous type. The generator has a fixed hollow part, called the stator, inside of which rotates a cylindrical part keyed onto the rotor shaft, which generates a rotating magnetic field by means of electromagnets. The stator is equipped with windings on which the electromotive forces act to induce an electric current.

The nacelle houses the generator, all the mechanical and electrical parts of the turbine, and a servomechanism that keeps it in line with the direction of the wind and the rotor axis.

The tower is the self-supporting steel structure that carries the entire weight and structure of the turbine. The dimensions are variable: from 50 to 150 meters in height.
Wind farms L&L
San Bartolomeo in Galdo (BN)
Eolic Plant SanBartolomeo
Forenza (PZ)
Eolic Plant Forenza
Guardia Lombardi (AV)
Eolic Plant Guardia
L&L Wind Farms

Pietracatella (CB)
Eolic Plant Pietracatella

Ripabottoni (CB)
Eolic Plant Ripabottoni

Pontelandolfo WTG6 (BN)
Eolic Plant Pontelandolfo

San Severo 2
Eolic Plant San

Bisaccia (AV)
Eolico Plant Bisaccia

San Severo 3
Eolic Plant San

Vallata (AV)
Eolic Plant Vallata

Aquilonia (AV)
Eolic Plant Aquilonia

Ansi Vulganello (FG)
Eolic Plant Ansi

Ascoli Traverse (FG)
Eolic Plant Ascoli

Foggia Incoronata (FG)
Eolic Plant Foggia
Candela (FG)
Eolic Plant Candela
Bovino Totaro (FG)
Eolic Plant Bovino
Bovino Scapicchio (FG)
Eolic Plant Bovino
Avigliano (PZ)
Eolic Plant Avigliano
Wind farms L&L

Candela (FG)
Minieolic Plant Candela

Pietramontecorvino (FG)
Minieolic Plant Pietramontecorvino

Rocchetta (FG)
Minieolic Plant Rocchetta

Patella (FG)
Minieolic Plant Patella

Rignano (FG)
Minieolic Plant Rignano

Castelnuovo (FG)
Minieolic Plant Castelnuovo